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Cancel Private Registration

When you cancel Private Registration, anyone can see your your name, mailing address, email address, phone number and other personal information in the public Whois database.

Required: If your domain has Protected Registration enabled, you mustcancel Protected Registration before removing privacy.
  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. If you aren't automatically directed there, make sure to select the My Products tab:
    My products tab
  3. Click Manage All next to Domains:
    click manage all
  4. Select your domain name from the list to access the Domain Settings page.
  5. Under Contact Information, click Remove Privacy.
    click to remove privacy
  6. You will receive a confirmation alert. Click Yes, Remove Privacy to complete removal.
    click to confirm removal

    Note: It can take up to 24 hours for privacy to be completely removed from your domain name.

C3: Only customers may cancel privacy on their domains. If you are logged into a customer account through the CRM, you will not see the option to cancel privacy.

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